The denominator in a fraction gets larger because it is a whole number. Unlike decimals, were sometimes it is not a whole number. For example: 1/4 the denominator is bigger because it is a whole number unlike decimals were it can look like this 0.25. So, heres my point think to yourself which one is bigger 4.0 or 0.25. It would be 4.0, because the 4 is a whole number and there is not a whole number in 0.25. Heres another example: 1/8 and 0.125. The denominator is 8 and that is a whole number. The decimal to that is 0.125, where it looks bigger but is actually not. Never forget to look and find where that decimal is placed. If it were placed right here, 12.5, then it would be a whole different story. All that I'm trying to say is to see where the decimal is placed and if there is a whole number.
                In conclusion, when ever dealing with fractions or decimals they all turn out to be the same thing, but only required to where the decimal is placed in the same place in both equations. So, 1/4 would be the same thing as .25 but in a different form.Always remember to check were the decimal is placed, before you solve the equation.

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