Todays blog will be about why 5^-2 equals 1/25. This was the math lesson that we had last week. The reason why this is 1/25 is because the base 5 has to be multiplied by ^-2, so first step is 5^-2. That would be -25. The second step is that when you are changing this to a fraction there is always a one for the numeration.  So it would now look like this 1/-25. Heres the next step what ever turns to a fraction, has to turn positive. That means that -25 has to be positive 25. The answer now would be 1/25. That is how you get the answer to that.

At first, I did not really get this math lesson. The reason on how I knew how to do it was I looked for the problem. Once I got the awnser, I would plug it back in the problem. That is one good stradege to use when your are not sure in it is right or not. After really paying attention to this I got it. I learned how to do this problem. This is just like fivth grade exponents, but a little bit challenging.

This was our math lesson. After practice, and practice, I finally got this problem,and know how to do it.
                Todays blog post wil be about what I know about exponents. Exponents make a number pharse smaller so insted of like this 7x7x7x7x7 is would look like this 75. The five would represtent that there are five times that number. Exponents are really easy. They just make a long math equation like 5x5x5x5x5 into 55. This is kind of like a review of sixth grade. This will be my math lesson this week and it will proably get a little harder. I think that this is a really easy math lesson. It just makes life a little bit more easier, when doing exponents.

                    If you still kind of don't really get exponets reasearch it to get a better picture. All it really is just making a longer problem into a shorter one. To get the awnser all you do is multiply the problem. So to awnser 7x7x7x7x7 you would just multiply it. I hope that you have learned a little bit more about exponents. This type of math isn't really that hard it is very easy for me, and I hope it would be easy for you.