In my computers and Core class, we are making and writing a haiku project. We are making it in Google Docs, or Drive. A haiku is a type of Japanese poetry. It consists of three lines with five syllables in the first line, seven in the the next, and five again in the first. It is pretty tough trying to make a meaningful piece of poetry. It is also hard trying to keep track of the syllables you use, because if you make a mistake, then the whole line will not sound right according to the syllables. The haiku's that we are writing about, are about the story The Big Wave, by Pearl S. Buck. In this story a boy named Jiya, is in deep grief, because he had lost his family in a tsunami, or a big wave. Now, because of this lost, he has a choice to live with his friends family  or with an old man who wants him for his son. Jiya chose his friends family, even though the old man would give him anything he needs. When the boy and his friend grow up, Jiya has lost his fear of the wave and wants to build a house next to the beach. This is how he over came his fear, by facing his enemy.

The point of this project, is to tell the events in the story that happened  in a three line form of poetry. This is a grade for both Core and computers, so I hope to do well! Do you think that it is easy writing a haiku? Try it for yourself and tell me what you think! Haiku's can be hat ever you want it to be about!

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