Today is Free Write Friday. In today's blog I will be blogging about the second quarter rally. In about three weeks, the second quarter will be over, but today will be the second quarter rally. In the rally, you have to scream really loud. It is deafening! We have a rally every quarter to make off a new quarter. When a rally is on Friday, we have a different schedule every time we have a rally. We have lunch after seventh period instead of after sixth. It is a really weird schedule. Today's theme for the rally is the 80's theme. Today we get to dress up looking like the 80's. This is a really fun theme.

    The next rally will probably be in three months. So, do you like rallies? Do you like to hear people scream? I don't. Like I said before, it is deafening. I can't wait until the rally is over, but however it is really fun to dress up in school! I have also heard that in the assembly they would show pictures of some of the teaches in the 80's! Im sure it will be a blast. 
                  Today is Free Write Friday. In this blog, I will be blogging about how today where I live it was raining and hailing. In the morning it started to rain. I guess the storm wasn't done yet, because during my 5th period class, it started to rain, but then shortly after hail came falling from the sky. The hail started to pick up pace, so it just flew everywhere. The hail was as big almost the size of a nut. It was kind of scary, because you don't really see this alot where I live.  After about ten minutes the hail and rain started to stop It was really wet and cold outside. At the same time I thought that this rain would be good for the crops and plants. 

                     It is still cold outside, and I think it will probably still be raining. I was glad that at least the hail stoped, but it will probaby come back again. The reason why I think hail started to pour was that when it is really cold outside, and it is raining, the rain probably came down to fast, and the wind froze it up. Like I have said before it is very, very unusuall to have hail here were I live.
                  Today is Free Write Friday. In this blog I will be blogging about the simulation that we had last Thursday. On Wensday, we took notes on the Empire of Ghana. Little did we know that Thursday morning, we would have a simulation. A simulation is almost like a reinactment of somethig or someone. We reinacted the Empire of Ghana. There were special parts that some people had to play, such as South Africans, the Monarch queen, the people of Ghana, and so on. I was a South African in the simulation. I had valuable salt, that the Wanangarrans wanted. They had gold. In the simulation we had to silent barter. Silent barter is when you trade with out making contact with the one you are trading with. So, for example I would leave salt on a trade tabel, and then the Wanangarrans would come to see how much we traded and to see if it was a good trade. The Soninke Monarch would always have a special tax for traders.

                 During the simulation, I learned alot about Ghana and its empire. I also learned that Ghana was very famouse for its two valuable resources, salt and gold. It turns out the one who had the most pairs of gold and salt were the Wanangarrans. So, in our simulation they one.