Today is Free Write Friday. In this blog, I will be blogging about how today where I live it was raining and hailing. In the morning it started to rain. I guess the storm wasn't done yet, because during my 5th period class, it started to rain, but then shortly after hail came falling from the sky. The hail started to pick up pace, so it just flew everywhere. The hail was as big almost the size of a nut. It was kind of scary, because you don't really see this alot where I live.  After about ten minutes the hail and rain started to stop It was really wet and cold outside. At the same time I thought that this rain would be good for the crops and plants. 

                     It is still cold outside, and I think it will probably still be raining. I was glad that at least the hail stoped, but it will probaby come back again. The reason why I think hail started to pour was that when it is really cold outside, and it is raining, the rain probably came down to fast, and the wind froze it up. Like I have said before it is very, very unusuall to have hail here were I live.
11/9/2012 05:40:29 am

I think you did an excelent job on this blog. The only problems is that you indented to much and the word "day" in the title needs to be capital.

11/9/2012 05:55:59 am

I think this is a realy good post. However, I think that it is unnecessary to say that today is freewrite friday and what you will be blogging about. Just get to the point. Be careful with your commas. There are some places where you have commas continuing the sentece making it a run on. You can make those seperate sentances. But other than that, very good. I liked how you explained everything abou the rain and hail.


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