Have you ever been bullied? I havent. I have seen someone teasing another other person. I didn't think that was right. I gave the person that was being bullied a nice compliment. I wish I had did something else for that person.There was another time I saw bulling occur, was when some people bullied another person in class. I wish I would have standed up for them. Please make the world a different place,anytime you see someone getting bullied please
report it right away. 

              Im going to give you three reasons why bulling is not right
            First: Would you want someone to hurt your feelings? No, so treat others the way you would want to be treated.
            Second: It can bring that person's self-esteam down.
            Third: Do you really want to be known as a bully? I think not.

I hope that we can all work together to stop bullies. We need to learn to stand up for each other, so that the person being bullied is not alone. Next time I see someone being bullied, I will build up the courage to stand up for them.

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