Have you ever heard of Khan Academy  Khan Academy is a free school based website that helps you learn a lesson from history to geometry. I really like this program. The website consist of videos that teach the concept  You don't have to sign up. If you do sign up, you can get points for doing practice problems and watching the videos. I recommend this website for everybody. If you do sign up, tell me what you think! Khan Academy is the best website to go to if you want to learn and practice your school lesson. For example, it helped me with finding the surface area of shapes. With that information, I did great on my math test.

     Like I said before, if you do sign up or just explore the site pleases let m know what do you think of it! I know that you can learn something with this website. Did I mention that you can get a Google Chrome app for it? This is what I like about it. You an study anywhere you go. I am not sure if they have an app for your phone though. If you know please let me know. Well until next Free Write Friday post!

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