Today is Free Write Friday. In this blog I will be bloging about the DNA model that we made in class, out of glass beads. It is really like an ortanment. This was pretty difficult. because you never know how the beads are going to turn out. For me this project was pretty easy. I took me about two days to complete this DNA replica model. A first, when you make the DNA, without twisting it, it looks like a ladder. The first step is two put about seven beads in the middel of the wire. We use wire. because we will be able to bend the ladder into a doubel helix later on. This process takes about a day to complete. The second part is trick, but you get the hang of it after awhile. You have to bend the wire a certain way, then you just complete the first step as many times as you like.

This is what we are currently making in Mrs. Poole's science class. I like this project, because I can learn what the side bases of DNA are named and I can actually see it as a three dimensional model. I like learning with "hands on" activites, because it helps to visualize what we are learning and practicing.

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