Todays blog will be about the Civl War re-enactment. This week I went to a very fun place, where people re-enacted the Civil War. It was cool, because they had a little show on how the Civil War started. There were real riffels and cannons there. It was very noisy when they shot the riffels, even more when they shot the cannons. It is a very fun thing to go to, and it teaches you about the Civil War and how they lived back then when they were in the war. There were even people dressed as famous people in the war, such as Abraham Lincoln. The person who played Abraham Lincoln, was a really good actor. He even looked like him! I had a great time going to the Civil War re-eactment. It was just like living and being in the Civil War. I would really reccomend this for anybody who just loves history and the Civil War. I learned a little bit more about the Civil War, and how it came about.

                    The Civil War is really a big thing in the United States. Many people do not this. With out this war, the United States would probably be different than right now how it is like. It is really fun to make a connection and learn about the past. It has been  150 years since this war changed peoples lives. It is a very big thing in the USA. For more information on the Civil War, research this and probably read more about this.

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