Have you ever heard of the Peppered Moth? The Peppered Moth is a type of moth that lives on a special type of tree. That tree helps them camouflage from birds. Peppered Moths got their name from their appearance. They look like your normal moth, but they have dots on them that are the color of the seasoning pepper. Their color protects them from birds like I said before, because they can camouflage in tree bark. A bird is more likely to eat a beige color moth than a dark colored one, because the beige colored one stands out on a dark colored tree bark.Peppered Moths are very rare. At first, people did not really notice them. They probably thought that it was an ordinary moth. One day, a person noticed a Peppered Moth and told other people. Then other people noticed more Peppered Moths, and to them they were really common.

   This is what Mrs. Poole taught us. She gave us a small packet and told you to watch a power point on it. After that, she talked to us a little bit more on this topic.If you want to learn more bout this or want to see the power point, click on the buttons below to activate the link. If you learned any thing else that is very cool about peppered moths, tell me. Well, until next Tuesday!

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