Today is Science Solutions. In this blog, I will be blogging about if Mrs. Poole and all the other 7th grade science teachers should keep on doing the cell cake. The cell cake is a project on how well we can denomonstrate what and were are the cells parts, like nucleus, vacuole, golgi complex, and so on. You have to construct a cake that looks like a cell y using items like candy, frosting, and so on. You can decide on whether you want to do an animal cell or plant. We do this project on teams, so what ever grade you get is what the whole group gets. 

                 I really think that this project will help students learn more about the cells parts, and what it does. At the beginning of the cell project, I did not no anything really about the cell. I only knew that it was the basic need for all living things and that you need cells to live. With this project I could tell you how each cell works and what its job is.

                 I really hope that this cell project will carry on and that other people may learn from this experience, because I am sure that I learned alot about cells. I really like this project and really, really, really hope that it will carry on.

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