I was walking home from work, ready to relax from all that farming I had done. I walked to the hill were I climb to get to to my house, when suddenly I saw black smoke! It looked like a huge black hole. I was terrified!  I ran to my village to see if anyone survived, and that is when I noticed that my town was not only smoking, it was on fire! I could not believe this. When I ran closer to see what was happening, I saw people running toward me. I started to run to. I ran and ran as fast as my legs would take me. Finally, my town and the smoke were out of sight. I can back about a week later, to see what was left of my town, but it was just all burnt. A man was right there also looking to see if anything survived from his house. He told me that everyone survived. I was glad to hear my family was alive. Months past, and my city started to rebuild its self. When I thought about what happened, I was really glad that everyone was alive. I was really amazed how such a huge fire or all of that smoke did not kill anybody.

It has now been five years since the fire had destroyed my village. My village is now rebuilded and it feels like home again. What is left of the fire is a small little bush. It grows next to my house, and I always water it. I know there will be a day when the bush can not survive any more, just like we could not avoid the fire.

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