Todays blog will be about the greatest scientific discovery ever discovered. During all of the important things that I have learned in science during the time that I have been there, the biggest discovery to find out for me was the discovery of DNA. If Rosalind Franklin and all the other scientist have never helped discover that, I think it the world would not have discovered DNA until twenty years after their discovery. DNA is the blueprint of life. Without it, I think that people would not know how they inherited their characteristics. There are many other things that tied up with this discovery, but discovering DNA was the best choice for me.

     In Mrs. Poole's Science class, we learned a lot during the semester and a half since we have been there. We learned about: cells, evolution, DNA, etc. It was really tough to choose just one topic. I just think that this topic was really easy for me to understand and learn. If you would like to read more about Rosalind Franklin, the top scientist that discovered mainly all about DNA's shape,click here. Okay that all for this blog post. Until next time!

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