Todays blog post will be about the most challenging thing in Math. For me the most challenging thing in math was combining m=like terms. For those of you who don't know what this is, it is a Math problem that requires you to add and subtract numbers with the same variable  For example a problem could possibly look like this,  3x+2y+4x. In this case you would add all of the numbers that have the variable of x and y. So the new problem would look like 7x+2y. I got 7, because I added the 3 and the 4. I left the 2y alone, because nothing could add with it that has a variable of y. 

I finally had the nerves to go and ask my teacher for help. He was more that happy to help me. He showed me how to solve more complex problems that the one that is for example. He showed me how to solve problems that looked like this: 3y+4x-12y-7y. At first, I was worried that I would not get the problem right, but then it turns out that I was right. This topic was hard for me at first, but now it is one of the most easiest topics!

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