Today is Core concentrations Thursday. In this blog I will be blogging about the two most important achievements in Chinese history. Our CORE class is currently learning about China. The first important achievement that I think is important is the fact that they made ships. The Chinese had built ships that were about 400 feet tall. The second important achievement is the development of weapons. The Chinese were good at inventing weapons. They made all kinds of weapons to defeat their enemies. There is many more acheivements the Chinese had, but I think these are the two most important ones. Athough the Chinese had other different acheivements, I think these are the two most important ones. What do you think? 

     Todays topic was about Chinese acheivments. I hope that you have learned more about ancient China and their achievements. This is the current chapter in our seventh grade text book. It is fun to earn about other cultures and their traditions, don't you think?

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