Todays blog post will be about why iron was so imprtant in Africa. Iron was important, because many African worriors used iron to make weapons, and other items. If they did not have iron, their land probably would not exist. Iron was also used for trade. People would make weapons out of them, and trade them for some other goods. Iron was very, very popular among traders and African people. This is just like the United States, one of the most powerful resorses is oil. We use oil to gas up our cars, and  for many other things. If we did not have oil we would probably be low of money, and the government would have to tax people more, just to get the funds they need. Imagaine if Africa did not have and discover iron. We would not have most of the things that we have today.

                  The development of iron really changed the lives of the West Africans. They could deffent themselfs like they couldn't before with iron. I think iron really hanged the lives for all of us. We use iron everyday. Thanks to the developement of iron we also have more weaponds and important things we use everyday. Iron is a resource that probably everyone, everywhere uses. I know that most of the items we have now, we would not have before, because iron was not invented yet. I hope you learned a little bit more about West Africa and how they developed iron.

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