Today I will be blogging about the best thing that happened to me during seventh grade. The best thing that happened to me was that I got my laptop! I was really excited when my parents got it for me. In August, my family and I went to BestBuy to buy the laptop. I was really excited, because I could do my school work at home instead of staying after school to finish it. This was a memory that I will never forget. My parents would by the laptop, but on one condition, I had to have excellent grades on my report card. Lucky for me, I had have great grades so far. 

     What was your favorite moment during you school year? Maybe it was meeting new friends, getting great grades, excelling at something, etc. What ever it was, I would like to know. This laptop really, really, really helped me out a lot! I am just so greatful to have this. What is the best item that you ever had to help you achieve something? I would like to hear firm you! Well then, I hope that I gave you something to think about! Until next Core Concentrations blog post!

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