This, unfortunately  will be the last Core Concentrations blog post. In this blog, I will be blogging about my best and worst time in seventh grade. My best time in seventh grade was being able to meet new friends  I meet a whole lot of friends  I hope that I will be able to see them again next year. My worst time in seventh grade was when I forgot to turn in two important assignments  and when I forgot my Math book. I went to talk to both of the teachers the next morning and they gave me full credit for the assignment  I guess talking to my teachers is not as bad as it seems. 

What are your best and worst times throughout your life? Maybe it was getting caught in the rain or winning a game. Whatever it was I would like to hear it. Well this will conclude the Core Concentrations blog post. This is the last topic for Core Concentration. Just remember to have your papers in your bag so you don't have to forget them!

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